Tormenta chega a 11º no ranking mundial de RPG de mesa no Roll20
Tormenta subiu mais quatro posições no novo ranking mundial de sistemas de RPG de mesa mais jogados na plataforma virtual Roll20, no segundo trimestre de 2021, divulgado pela empresa The Orr Group, dona da plataforma. O cenário brasileiro (que engloba dados de Tormenta20 e Tormenta RPG) saiu de 15º para 11º na lista. Veja ranking completo no final da matéria.
O top50 mundial ainda conta com mais uma obra nacional: 3D&T Alpha, também da Jambô Editora e que deve ganhar nova versão em breve, conforme adiantou Marcelo Cassaro, um dos criadores do sistema. Old Dragon RPG (112º), Sistema Daemon (240º), Skyfall RPG (245º) e Terra Devastada (268º) são os outros brasileiros a constarem no ranking.
Em relação ao número de campanhas ativas no período, Dungeons & Dragons 5ª Edição (D&D 5E) segue no topo, com 53,96% das campanhas no Roll20. O sistema da Wizards of the Coast é seguido por Call of Cthulhu (9,37%) e Pathfinder – que, somando as duas edições, chega a 4,95% do total.
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Ranking mundial de campanhas ativas de RPG de mesa no Roll20
Sistema/Cenário | Usuários | Campanhas ativas |
D&D 5E | 47.03% | 53.96% |
Call of Cthulhu | 14.30% | 9.37% |
Pathfinder | 2.98% | 3.28% |
Pathfinder Second Edition | 1.56% | 1.67% |
Warhammer (Fantasy, 40k, Warth & Glory…) | 1.06% | 1.09% |
World of Darkness (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage…) | 1.07% | 1.05% |
D&D 3.5 | 0.92% | 0.95% |
Starfinder | 0.70% | 0.71% |
Star Wars | 0.60% | 0.60% |
inSANe | 0.54% | 0.44% |
Tormenta (T20 e TRPG) | 0.40% | 0.44% |
Em levantamento anterior divulgado pelo The Orr Group, empresa dona da plataforma Roll20, Tormenta20 e Tormenta RPG tiveram o maior crescimento em todo o mundo no terceiro trimestre do ano passado. O número de campanhas de Tormenta (seja Tormenta20 ou Tormenta RPG) na plataforma havia crescido 26,32% em relação ao segundo trimestre.
Ranking completo de campanhas de RPG ativas no Roll20
- D&D 5E
- Call of Cthulhu (Any Edition)
- Pathfinder
- Pathfinder Second Edition
- Warhammer (Fantasy, 40k, Warth & Glory…)
- World of Darkness (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage…)
- D&D 3.5
- Starfinder
- Star Wars (Edge of the Empire, SAGA…)
- inSANe
- Tormenta
- Apocalypse World System (Any Edition)
- Blades in the Dark
- Shadowrun (Any Edition)
- FATE (Core, Accelerated, Dresden Files…)
- Savage Worlds (Any Edition)
- Das Schwarze Auge
- Dungeon World
- Year Zero Engine
- Cyberpunk Red
- Mutants and Masterminds
- AD&D (1st Edition and 2E)
- D&D 4E
- Cypher System Games (Numenera, The Strange…)
- Velocity System
- Stars Without Number
- Cyberpunk 2
- Chroniques Oubliées
- Pokemon (Tabletop United, Adventure)
- 13th Age RPG
- Dungeon Crawl Classics
- The Witcher
- AEG (Legend of the Five Rings, 7th Sea)
- Other Games
- Powered by the Apocalypse
- City of Mist
- Savage Worlds
- d20 Modern
- Le Donjon de Naheulbeuk
- Anima: Beyond Fantasy
- Shadow of the Demon Lord
- Tales from the Loop
- Delta Green
- Star Trek Adventures
- Traveller (Any Edition)
- Legend of the Five Rings
- Monster of the Week
- Aventures
- Ironsworn
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4E Official
- Anime Campaign
- Old School Essentials
- Basic Fantasy RPG System
- AGE System
- Original D&D (Any Edition)
- Alice Is Missing
- Fate
- Genesys
- A Song of Ice and Fire
- Symbaroum
- Splittermond
- Mothership
- Kids on Bikes
- A Song of Ice and Fire RPG
- Fallout
- The One Ring
- Burning Wheel
- Exalted
- Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition
- Coriolis
- Fiasco
- Mork Borg
- Palladium Games
- Vieja Escuela
- Mutant: Year Zero
- Pokemon Tabletop United
- Kult
- RuneQuest
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
- Zweihänder Grim & Perilous
- Honey Heist
- Dragon Age RPG
- Open Legend
- Eclipse Phase
- Degenesis
- Jojo’s Bizarre Tabletop
- Warhammer 40,000
- Shinobi Gami
- Godbound
- 2d20
- Warhammer 40,000
- Knight
- D6
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- Halo Mythic
- Torg
- Paranoia
- Alien RPG
- Scum and Villainy
- Lasers and Feelings
- Ryuutama
- Mythras
- King Arthur Pendragon
- Rats in the Walls
- Paranoia Mongoose Edition
- Agon
- Midgard
- Old Dragon RPG
- Unisystem (Any Edition)
- Conan
- Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
- Burn Bryte
- Maid the Role Playing Game
- Earthdawn (Any Edition)
- Star Wars Roleplaying Game
- Iron Kingdoms
- Mouse Guard RPG
- Ars Magica
- HERO Games (Champions)
- Aquelarre
- Rolemaster (Any Edition)
- Basic Role-Playing
- Pokerole System
- Tails of Equestria
- Deadlands Classic
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
- Big Eyes Small Mouth
- RWBY Tabletop System
- Dungeon Slayers
- Hero System 6E
- Harry Potter
- Barbarians Of Lemuria
- Storypath
- Shadowrun 4th Edition
- Hitos
- Strato Shout
- Swords & Wizardry
- Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game
- Storytelling System
- Vaesen
- One Piece
- BattleTech: Time of War
- Troika
- Lady Blackbird
- Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures
- Board Games (Settlers of Catan, Chess…)
- World of Darkness
- TinyD6
- The Quiet Year
- Shadowrun 6th Edition
- Cthulhu D100
- Heart: the City Beneath
- End of the World
- Old Dragon
- The Burning Wheel
- Brigandyne
- Feast of Legends
- Agon
- Midgard
- Old Dragon RPG
- Unisystem (Any Edition)
- Conan
- Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
- Burn Bryte
- Maid the Role Playing Game
- Earthdawn (Any Edition)
- Star Wars Roleplaying Game
- Iron Kingdoms
- Mouse Guard RPG
- Ars Magica
- HERO Games (Champions)
- Aquelarre
- Rolemaster (Any Edition)
- Basic Role-Playing
- Pokerole System
- Tails of Equestria
- Deadlands Classic
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
- Big Eyes Small Mouth
- RWBY Tabletop System
- Dungeon Slayers
- Hero System 6E
- Harry Potter
- Barbarians Of Lemuria
- Storypath
- Shadowrun 4th Edition
- Hitos
- Strato Shout
- Swords & Wizardry
- Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game
- Storytelling System
- Vaesen
- One Piece
- BattleTech: Time of War
- Troika
- Lady Blackbird
- Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures
- Board Games (Settlers of Catan, Chess…)
- World of Darkness
- TinyD6
- The Quiet Year
- Shadowrun 6th Edition
- Cthulhu D100
- Heart: the City Beneath
- End of the World
- Old Dragon
- The Burning Wheel
- Brigandyne
- Feast of Legends
- Final Fantasy RPG: 3rd Edition
- Labyrinth Lord
- Feng Shui
- Aria
- Rolemaster Standard System
- Spire
- Ubiquity
- Aborea
- Cortex (Any Edition)
- Hero Quest
- Custom
- Outbreak: Undead
- 3d20 System
- Knave
- Gamma World (Any Edition)
- Xeohelios’ Fire Emblem Tabletop
- Castles & Crusades
- Card Games (Poker, Magic…)
- The Unofficial Elder Scrolls RPG 3rd Edition
- Arcane Codex
- Sistema Daemon
- Hackmaster
- Pokemon Tabletop Adventures
- Arianrhod
- Fantasy AGE
- Skyfall RPG
- Channel Fear
- Cortex Plus
- Log Horizon TRPG
- Low Fantasy Gaming
- Quest
- Pavillon Noir 2nd Edition
- Five Torches Deep
- C.O.P.S.
- Lex Arcana
- Hero Kid
- Palladium Megaverse
- One-Roll Engine
- HeXXen 1733
- Through The Breach
- Ultima Torcia
- Mistborn Adventure Game
- Shaan Renaissance
- Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space
- Trudvang Chronicles
- Dogs in the Vineyard
- Shadowrun: Sixth World
- Terra Devastada
- Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperbore
- Fragged Empire