
Tormenta chega a 11º no ranking mundial de RPG de mesa no Roll20

edição de luxo de tormenta20
Sistema de RPG de mesa Tormenta 20

Tormenta subiu mais quatro posições no novo ranking mundial de sistemas de RPG de mesa mais jogados na plataforma virtual Roll20, no segundo trimestre de 2021, divulgado pela empresa The Orr Group, dona da plataforma. O cenário brasileiro (que engloba dados de Tormenta20 e Tormenta RPG) saiu de 15º para 11º na lista. Veja ranking completo no final da matéria.

O top50 mundial ainda conta com mais uma obra nacional: 3D&T Alpha, também da Jambô Editora e que deve ganhar nova versão em breve, conforme adiantou Marcelo Cassaro, um dos criadores do sistema. Old Dragon RPG (112º), Sistema Daemon (240º), Skyfall RPG (245º) e Terra Devastada (268º) são os outros brasileiros a constarem no ranking.

Em relação ao número de campanhas ativas no período, Dungeons & Dragons 5ª Edição (D&D 5E) segue no topo, com 53,96% das campanhas no Roll20. O sistema da Wizards of the Coast é seguido por Call of Cthulhu (9,37%) e Pathfinder – que, somando as duas edições, chega a 4,95% do total.

Ranking mundial de campanhas ativas de RPG de mesa no Roll20

Sistema/CenárioUsuários Campanhas ativas
D&D 5E47.03%53.96%
Call of Cthulhu14.30%9.37%
Pathfinder Second Edition1.56%1.67%
Warhammer (Fantasy, 40k, Warth & Glory…)1.06%1.09%
World of Darkness (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage…)1.07%1.05%
D&D 3.50.92%0.95%
Star Wars0.60%0.60%
Tormenta (T20 e TRPG)0.40%0.44%
Ranking mundial 2021.2 de usuários e campanhas ativas de RPG de mesa na plataforma virtual Roll20

Em levantamento anterior divulgado pelo The Orr Group, empresa dona da plataforma Roll20, Tormenta20 e Tormenta RPG tiveram o maior crescimento em todo o mundo no terceiro trimestre do ano passado. O número de campanhas de Tormenta (seja Tormenta20 ou Tormenta RPG) na plataforma havia crescido 26,32% em relação ao segundo trimestre.

Ranking completo de campanhas de RPG ativas no Roll20

  1. D&D 5E
  2. Call of Cthulhu (Any Edition)
  3. Pathfinder
  4. Pathfinder Second Edition
  5. Warhammer (Fantasy, 40k, Warth & Glory…)
  6. World of Darkness (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage…)
  7. D&D 3.5
  8. Starfinder
  9. Star Wars (Edge of the Empire, SAGA…)
  10. inSANe
  11. Tormenta
  12. Apocalypse World System (Any Edition)
  13. Blades in the Dark
  14. Shadowrun (Any Edition)
  15. FATE (Core, Accelerated, Dresden Files…)
  16. Savage Worlds (Any Edition)
  17. Das Schwarze Auge
  18. Dungeon World
  19. Year Zero Engine
  20. Cyberpunk Red
  21. Mutants and Masterminds
  23. GURPS
  24. AD&D (1st Edition and 2E)
  25. D&D 4E
  26. Cypher System Games (Numenera, The Strange…)
  27. Velocity System
  28. Stars Without Number
  29. Cyberpunk 2
  30. Chroniques Oubliées
  31. Pokemon (Tabletop United, Adventure)
  32. 13th Age RPG
  33. Dungeon Crawl Classics
  34. The Witcher
  35. AEG (Legend of the Five Rings, 7th Sea)
  36. Other Games
  37. Powered by the Apocalypse
  38. City of Mist
  39. Savage Worlds
  40. d20 Modern
  41. Le Donjon de Naheulbeuk
  42. Anima: Beyond Fantasy
  43. Shadow of the Demon Lord
  44. Tales from the Loop
  45. Delta Green
  46. Star Trek Adventures
  47. Traveller (Any Edition)
  48. Legend of the Five Rings
  49. Monster of the Week
  50. 3D&T ALPHA
  51. Aventures
  52. Ironsworn
  53. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4E Official
  54. Anime Campaign
  55. Old School Essentials
  56. Basic Fantasy RPG System
  57. AGE System
  58. Original D&D (Any Edition)
  59. Alice Is Missing
  61. Fate
  62. Genesys
  63. A Song of Ice and Fire
  64. Symbaroum
  65. Splittermond
  66. Mothership
  67. Kids on Bikes
  68. A Song of Ice and Fire RPG
  69. Fallout
  70. The One Ring
  71. Burning Wheel
  72. Exalted
  73. Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition
  74. Coriolis
  75. Fiasco
  76. Mork Borg
  77. Palladium Games
  78. Vieja Escuela
  79. Mutant: Year Zero
  80. Pokemon Tabletop United
  81. Kult
  82. RuneQuest
  83. Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
  84. Zweihänder Grim & Perilous
  85. Honey Heist
  86. Dragon Age RPG
  87. Open Legend
  88. Eclipse Phase
  89. Degenesis
  90. Jojo’s Bizarre Tabletop
  91. Warhammer 40,000
  92. Shinobi Gami
  93. Godbound
  94. 2d20
  95. Warhammer 40,000
  96. Knight
  97. D6
  98. Lamentations of the Flame Princess
  99. Halo Mythic
  100. Torg
  101. Paranoia
  102. Alien RPG
  103. Scum and Villainy
  104. Lasers and Feelings
  105. Ryuutama
  106. Mythras
  107. King Arthur Pendragon
  108. Rats in the Walls
  109. Paranoia Mongoose Edition
  110. Agon
  111. Midgard
  112. Old Dragon RPG
  113. Unisystem (Any Edition)
  114. Conan
  115. INDEX CARD RPG Core 2E
  116. Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
  117. Burn Bryte
  118. Maid the Role Playing Game
  119. Earthdawn (Any Edition)
  120. Star Wars Roleplaying Game
  121. Iron Kingdoms
  122. Mouse Guard RPG
  123. Ars Magica
  124. HERO Games (Champions)
  125. Aquelarre
  126. Rolemaster (Any Edition)
  127. Basic Role-Playing
  128. Pokerole System
  129. Tails of Equestria
  130. ICONS
  131. Deadlands Classic
  132. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
  133. Big Eyes Small Mouth
  134. RWBY Tabletop System
  135. Dungeon Slayers
  136. Hero System 6E
  137. Harry Potter
  138. Barbarians Of Lemuria
  139. Storypath
  140. Shadowrun 4th Edition
  141. OVA
  142. Hitos
  143. Strato Shout
  144. Swords & Wizardry
  145. Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game
  146. Storytelling System
  147. Vaesen
  148. One Piece
  149. BattleTech: Time of War
  150. Troika
  151. Lady Blackbird
  152. Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures
  153. Board Games (Settlers of Catan, Chess…)
  154. World of Darkness
  155. TinyD6
  156. The Quiet Year
  157. Shadowrun 6th Edition
  158. Cthulhu D100
  159. Heart: the City Beneath
  160. End of the World
  161. Old Dragon
  162. The Burning Wheel
  163. Brigandyne
  164. Feast of Legends
  165. Agon
  166. Midgard
  167. Old Dragon RPG
  168. Unisystem (Any Edition)
  169. Conan
  170. INDEX CARD RPG Core 2E
  171. Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
  172. Burn Bryte
  173. Maid the Role Playing Game
  174. Earthdawn (Any Edition)
  175. Star Wars Roleplaying Game
  176. Iron Kingdoms
  177. Mouse Guard RPG
  178. Ars Magica
  179. HERO Games (Champions)
  180. Aquelarre
  181. Rolemaster (Any Edition)
  182. Basic Role-Playing
  183. Pokerole System
  184. Tails of Equestria
  185. ICONS
  186. Deadlands Classic
  187. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
  188. Big Eyes Small Mouth
  189. RWBY Tabletop System
  190. Dungeon Slayers
  191. Hero System 6E
  192. Harry Potter
  193. Barbarians Of Lemuria
  194. Storypath
  195. Shadowrun 4th Edition
  196. OVA
  197. Hitos
  198. Strato Shout
  199. Swords & Wizardry
  200. Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game
  201. Storytelling System
  202. Vaesen
  203. One Piece
  204. BattleTech: Time of War
  205. Troika
  206. Lady Blackbird
  207. Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures
  208. Board Games (Settlers of Catan, Chess…)
  209. World of Darkness
  210. TinyD6
  211. The Quiet Year
  212. Shadowrun 6th Edition
  213. Cthulhu D100
  214. Heart: the City Beneath
  215. End of the World
  216. Old Dragon
  217. The Burning Wheel
  218. Brigandyne
  219. Feast of Legends
  220. Final Fantasy RPG: 3rd Edition
  221. Labyrinth Lord
  222. Feng Shui
  223. Aria
  224. Rolemaster Standard System
  225. Spire
  226. Ubiquity
  227. Aborea
  228. Cortex (Any Edition)
  229. Hero Quest
  230. Custom
  231. Outbreak: Undead
  232. 3d20 System
  233. Knave
  234. Gamma World (Any Edition)
  235. Xeohelios’ Fire Emblem Tabletop
  236. Castles & Crusades
  237. Card Games (Poker, Magic…)
  238. The Unofficial Elder Scrolls RPG 3rd Edition
  239. Arcane Codex
  240. Sistema Daemon
  241. Hackmaster
  242. Pokemon Tabletop Adventures
  243. Arianrhod
  244. Fantasy AGE
  245. Skyfall RPG
  246. Channel Fear
  247. Cortex Plus
  248. Log Horizon TRPG
  249. Low Fantasy Gaming
  250. Quest
  251. Pavillon Noir 2nd Edition
  252. Five Torches Deep
  253. C.O.P.S.
  254. Lex Arcana
  255. Hero Kid
  256. Palladium Megaverse
  257. One-Roll Engine
  258. HeXXen 1733
  259. Through The Breach
  260. Ultima Torcia
  261. Mistborn Adventure Game
  262. Shaan Renaissance
  263. Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space
  264. FACES
  265. Trudvang Chronicles
  266. Dogs in the Vineyard
  267. Shadowrun: Sixth World
  268. Terra Devastada
  269. Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperbore
  270. Fragged Empire

Taiguara Rangel

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